Draw and Explore. That’s is my slogan. I allways was interested in people, places and situations. And so I love to draw in cities, at events, while traveling, in bars or cafes. I just love capturing what interests me in my sketchbooks and reporting what I explored. So “on location drawing” and “reportage drawing” found me more than I looked for them. And now we are in love.
Some drawings lead me to printmaking or other explorations, but I first of all I love that first hand experience while drawing on location.
Born in 1972 in East Germany, I drew more or less all my life and wanted to study art soon. In preparation for the Academy of Fine Arts in Dresden, Germany, I attended several years the preparation classes organised by the Acadamy. I learend a lot from Jan Buck (+2019) and many other great people and artists.
During the peaceful revolution in East Germany in 1989 (I was 17 back then) that all colapsed somehow. But I came in contact with Christians for the very first time in my life. I was so impressed by them in so many ways and I really wanted & needed to know more about Jesus and his worldview. It was a longer way, but finally I decided to study not art but theology. And I enjoyed it! Later I discovered a quote I still agree with:
„The art is not the bread, but the wine of life.“
Jean Paul, German Autor (+1825)
So I always loved art, but I needed the “bread of life” first. And I still do so: For my life, my family and also for my art. Today – next to my art – I love to work as theologian, mentor, councillor and networker in a christian association especially for artists.
Many artists and friends influenced me over the years. In the last years I loved the connection with the worldwide community of URBAN SKETCHERS. It connects me with many like-minded people around the world. In 2017 I co-founded the Urban Sketchers in Leipzig. And so there is allways more to draw and explore…