On November 30th Robin from deinelieblingskünstler.com was with me. This is a new platform for Leipzig artists. Thereby a new episode of his podcast was created. (Click here for the podcast. In German.)
It was a very nice meeting! A nice talk about art, the urban sketches, reportage illustration, my work at crescendo and much more. I’m very impressed with what Robin is doing and I’m looking forward to new contacts with Leipzig artists that are made possible by this. Thanks a thousand!
During the conversation I suddenly thought: “Say, why don’t I draw it?? It’s a cool thing and not exactly an everyday occurrence!” I quickly got my stuff out. (In the podcast after we talk about “portraitparties” about 10 minutes after the start you can hear me saying “Mir fällt gerade was ein./ Oh, I just have an idea…”). Thats when I stood up to grab my sketchbook…

But to give an interview and at the same time look around the corner – we sat next to each other – and draw. Well. I really made Robin a few decades older. But somehow I think it captured something of his thoughtful, deep vein that I – besides all the entrepreneurial and pioneering spirit! – I could discover in him.
Thanks for letting me be part of it! I am looking forward to more!